Power point manajemen sumber daya manusia
Power point manajemen sumber daya manusia

power point manajemen sumber daya manusia

(2) The improvement result of Islamic education learning quality can be achieved well due to the PAI teachers’ hardwork shown by the achievement gained every year. That program is called as long period and short period plan. It is proven that the principal has only already arranged the program, instead of running the management of supervision.

power point manajemen sumber daya manusia

Thus, the result is not maximal because it is only administration aspect which has been conducted well.

power point manajemen sumber daya manusia

The results of this research show that: (1) Implementation of principal supervision management has not been run well. Technique of data analysis used interactive model consisting of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. Test of data validity was gained by using triangulation of source and method. Technique of collecting data applied method of observation, interview, and documentation. Informants of this research were vice principal, committees, and students. Subjects of this research were principal and teacher. This research was conducted at SMP Nurul Islam of NgemplakBoyolali in 2014. This research employed descriptive qualitative method. This research aims at knowing: (1) Implementation of principal supervision management in improving learning quality of Islamic education, (2) Implementation achievement of principal supervision management in improving learning quality of Islamic education. DALAM PENINGKATAN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM ĭI SMP NURUL ISLAM NGEMPLAK BOYOLALISULASTRI, SULASTRI2x7.3 Pendidikan IslamABSTRACT

Power point manajemen sumber daya manusia